Monday, October 23, 2017

13 days of class left calendar

From now on, all assignments (except in-class writing) must be typed to receive credit

  • 5 points--Oct. 24--First paragraph due on essay 2, review. Assignment 3, handout. Ad assignments.
  • 100 points--Oct. 26--Essay two due. Advertising selection approval. Peer review sheets, assignment. 
  • 10 points--Oct. 31--Peer review sessions, peer review written assignment. Critique of your essays. Research question, thesis lessons.
  • 5 points--Nov. 2--Essay revision due. Research question, thesis, sources  due.  Plagiarism lesson.
  • 5 points--Nov. 7--MLA lesson. Paragraph exercise.
  • 5 points--Nov. 14--Outline, first paragraph due. Library lesson.
  • 5 points--Nov. 16--Revised paragraph due. Research paper lesson.
  • 5 points--Nov. 21--Second paragraph due.
  • 5 points--Nov. 28--Review second paragraph. In class writing.
  • 100 points--Nov. 30--Paper due. Peer review assignment.
  • 10 points--Dec. 5--Peer review sessions, written assignment.
  • 5 points--Dec. 8--Last day of class. In class writing. Prof evaluation.

260 possible points.
140 first half possible points
400 possible points at end of semester.

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