Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Assignment change up--comparison/contrast


Comparison/contrast essay

For your appointment (typed):

1.List the two ads you're reviewing for persuasive strategy. What is first difference/likeness you notice?
2. Bring three url sources for essay with you to writing appointment.
3. Bring rough outline for essay with you (based on reading the above example)
4. Bring peer review sheet with you.
5. Bring paragraph exercises with you.
6. Revision due Nov. 14--first version and copy of peer review attached to back.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Oct. 28 agenda--starting essay 3

1. Hand in essay two
2. Peer review sheets
3. Plagiarism quiz
4. Advertising selections
5. MLA/Research question/thesis lesson
6. Assignment:
a. Peer review sheet/reading
b. Pose research question, thesis

Halloween agenda:
1. Peer review sessions
2. Individual critiques of essay two
3. Research question/thesis review 
a. What you learned from peer review
b. Essay three sources
c. Essay two revision due

Monday, October 23, 2017

Today's agenda and assignments

1. Take up first paragraph, second essay
2. Review remaining calendar
3. Assignment of third essay
4. Assignment of four advertisements for essay
5. Review of submission guidelines for essay 2 on Thursday
6. Plagiarism
7. Garbled paragraph exercise
8. Individual critiques of first paragraph, second essay.

13 days of class left calendar

From now on, all assignments (except in-class writing) must be typed to receive credit

  • 5 points--Oct. 24--First paragraph due on essay 2, review. Assignment 3, handout. Ad assignments.
  • 100 points--Oct. 26--Essay two due. Advertising selection approval. Peer review sheets, assignment. 
  • 10 points--Oct. 31--Peer review sessions, peer review written assignment. Critique of your essays. Research question, thesis lessons.
  • 5 points--Nov. 2--Essay revision due. Research question, thesis, sources  due.  Plagiarism lesson.
  • 5 points--Nov. 7--MLA lesson. Paragraph exercise.
  • 5 points--Nov. 14--Outline, first paragraph due. Library lesson.
  • 5 points--Nov. 16--Revised paragraph due. Research paper lesson.
  • 5 points--Nov. 21--Second paragraph due.
  • 5 points--Nov. 28--Review second paragraph. In class writing.
  • 100 points--Nov. 30--Paper due. Peer review assignment.
  • 10 points--Dec. 5--Peer review sessions, written assignment.
  • 5 points--Dec. 8--Last day of class. In class writing. Prof evaluation.

260 possible points.
140 first half possible points
400 possible points at end of semester.

Essay Three assignment, details

Expository Essay, Assignment #3. 1,000 words, 100 points.  Dr. Terry M. Clark

Analyzing persuasive strategy of two TV or digital media advertisements.

·      Oct. 26--Ad selection approval
·      Nov. 2—Thesis, sources due
·      Nov. 14—Outline, first paragraph due
·      Nov. 21—Revised first paragraph due
·      Nov. 30—Paper due—two copies, one for peer for review; one to professor with outline, first paragraph draft stapled to back.

·      Follow MLA style for formatting and source documentation.
·      All assignments must be handed in typed. Written not accepted.
·      At least three web sources, none older than 2016.
·      Written in third person.
·      Stylistic tasks: At least two sentences with coordinating conjunctions and at least two using subordinating conjunctions and one intentional sentence fragment, and less than ten passive verbs. Highlight or underline these in professor’s copy.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Today's Agenda

Verb lesson, exercise
Description review and your writing
Individual critique of your first paragraphs for essay number two

Assignment--Due Oct.  24  Revise first paragraph, outline, typed

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Today's agenda

Assignment hand-in
Grade assessment so far
Description exercise
Note check
Grades so far--story return

Monday, October 9, 2017

Assignment summary, grading scale

English Comp assignments so far

45 points/ 9  in-class writing @ 5 each
10—essay  outline, sentences
50—Essay  One
5—Possible revision points
5—Peer review
10—peer review comments
10—Notes for profile essay

130 so far
10—Outline, first paragraph due today
140 total

Grading scale
A—117 or above
B—104 or above
C—91 or above
D—78 or above

A—126 or above
B-112 or above
C---98 or above
D—84 or above

Semester’s remaining assignments and points
100--Essay two—due Oct. . 26
5 possible--Essay two revision
100—Essay three—due Nov. 30
60—Other assignments

Total points—400
Grading scale
A—360 or above
B—320 or above
C—280 or above
D—240 or above      

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Story telling time, today's assignment

What makes a good story?
You tell me:

Assignments due:
Typed notes
This is a story about sentence
What else do you need to know
Essay reading and type answers from reading assignment
Review of your notes
Write your first sentence and outline

Typed first paragraph
Type Outline