Monday, October 23, 2017

Essay Three assignment, details

Expository Essay, Assignment #3. 1,000 words, 100 points.  Dr. Terry M. Clark

Analyzing persuasive strategy of two TV or digital media advertisements.

·      Oct. 26--Ad selection approval
·      Nov. 2—Thesis, sources due
·      Nov. 14—Outline, first paragraph due
·      Nov. 21—Revised first paragraph due
·      Nov. 30—Paper due—two copies, one for peer for review; one to professor with outline, first paragraph draft stapled to back.

·      Follow MLA style for formatting and source documentation.
·      All assignments must be handed in typed. Written not accepted.
·      At least three web sources, none older than 2016.
·      Written in third person.
·      Stylistic tasks: At least two sentences with coordinating conjunctions and at least two using subordinating conjunctions and one intentional sentence fragment, and less than ten passive verbs. Highlight or underline these in professor’s copy.

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